Get out there and grab life by the tail! Experience life! What motivates each one of us? I approach every decade with anticipation: what will the next ten years bring? What new things to learn, to experience?

This one little thought propels me: that as I look back one day or am asked, “What did you do with the life I gave you?” I don’t want to come up empty-handed.

It's a great, big, beautiful world out there. Go out and see it. Explore.Whether we follow a faith tradition or not, most of us will face a day when we look back on what life offered; what we seized, what we ignored and what we rejected. Do we really want to shrug our shoulders and make excuses? I wanted to sleep. I binge-watched television. I believed what everyone said around me that 40, 50, 60 even 70, 80, 90 was old, and that I could no longer do it, dream the dream, accomplish the goals. A sister-in-law sent me black balloons on my 40th birthday. That was her filter, not mine. True to form, she marked her 40th year by staying in bed the entire day even though her family planned a great celebration. Sad.

It’s a great, big beautiful world out there. Go out and see it. Explore. We think we know stuff. We barely scratch the surface. Knowledge, travel, all those things expand the mind and build the character. We are headed for a globally diverse world. What a joy to know about other cultures and beliefs different from our own. Rather than being afraid to be pulled in another direction, knowing more might help solidify what we already hold to be true about life and the universe. A win-win situation because we learn either way.

“Okay,” you say, “Life is not so great right now.” What about actively being part of the solution rather than by sitting back, doing nothing, negatively grousing and defeated, contributing to the problem? Instead we think, “What can I do?” A lot! With social media at our fingertips we can even motivate others at the touch of a keystroke, share knowledge and beneficial information. Like blogging for Plaid!

So, grab those No Mean Girls banners and march proudly into the universe, proclaiming “Experience Life!”  I assure you, you won’t regret it!