• Beverly HillBefore founding the Gendercide Awareness Project, Beverly Hill worked first as a college lecturer, teaching History and History of Science, and […]

  • A meaningful life can take many forms. Most of us work to support ourselves and our families, to send children to college, and to care for our elderly parents. This necessity frames our lives with purpose, however […]

  • This very article is as good an example as any. Mind over situation is making a difference with small ordinary things like just getting this article done. Yes, people let you down. Yes, there are disappointments. […]

  • Entrepreneurs are a funny lot.

    We are oft-misunderstood by our well-intentioned friends. (“Does she even really work all day?!? I think she just plays on Facebook!”)

    Our mothers worry about us. (“Honestly, M […]

  • Trips with the family should be all about fun and making memories, sometimes, however, a whole suitcase load of stress can get in the way.

    Often the success of a trip can be completely of your control, the […]

  • Susan Gruppi and Jessica Worman are the Co-Presidents of M2G Ventures LLC (“M2G”), a company based in Fort Worth, TX that specializes in adaptive reuse and historic conversions. This dynamic duo, originally fro […]

  • Research has shown us how the deep psychological roots of competitiveness between women. Noam Shpancer, in his article in Psychology Today article entitled, “Feminine Foes: New Science Explores Female C […]

  • Mindset is not the end of living, it is just the beginning!  So many people have their Mind Set on something – a promotion, a proposal, a sunny day.  But, when the job, girl, or day doesn’t turn out like we had p […]

  • A couple of weeks ago, I experienced a comedy of errors.  Standing up from a sitting position, I pulled a muscle in my lower back.  Just standing up, not hiking the Himalayans. I tried everything I could think o […]

  • Have you ever really given much thought to your mindset?

    What is a mindset?  Well, the dictionary defines it as the established set of attitudes held by someone.  These attitudes are generally composed of e […]

  • It’s inevitable during our lifetime, that we will have moments, where we look back and have those, ‘should have’, ‘could have’, ‘would have’ moments. These are the instances that not only define who we are, but th […]

  • As we head into “almost summer,” a season of changes, it’s a perfect time to talk about changing your mindset!

    Your mind might be saying, “Holy crap, it’s already shorts season!” Or you may be on a different d […]

  • Using mindset as a tool to keep you moving forward is a ninja trick of contented people.

    Your thoughts are a choice. Do you hold on to them and ruminate, or do you let them go without ever really hearing them? […]

  • Does it take special talent or a mathematical orientation to take care of your Money Matters?

    For some of us, we like to take care of our Financial house and our Money Matters, and we have a regimen, a practice […]

  • Sometimes we need to look at the colors “inside the box” of our social groups, corporations and institutions to examine what kind of diversity truly surrounds us.

    Did you know that in the 1960’s—our favorit […]

  • Over the past few years, I have been engaged with a few organizations and teams who are struggling to build good working environments. We have all heard the adage ‘team work makes the dream work’ and this most […]

  • Over five decades, substance use disorders have had strong relations to the culture of our music, lifestyle, and fashion, as well as attitudes and ideologies.

    1960’s —The first documented and widely-spread dru […]

  • Usually when people hear the word Diversity, the first thing they think of is race and gender, but Diversity is so much more than just these basic characteristics.

    Merriam Webster defines Diversity as: […]

  • As someone who has been the only woman in many of the industries I have been a part of, I often think back at why that was appealing to me. Sometimes I simply scratch my head and have no answer and other times I […]

  • Happy (early) Earth Day Y’all! You may not know it, but you’re most likely leaving behind a big, ugly footprint. It’s not pretty–it’s plastic. Here are a few points to ponder from earthday.org:

    Every minute, […]

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