Start this year off with the mindset that you are ready to become the best version of yourself!

Notice you are not focusing on trying to be anyone else, just becoming the best you –

This is about loving yourself enough to really want to become the healthiest and happiest you’ve ever been!


Five Actions Steps to Self-Improvement:


1. Positive affirmations:

“It is the repetition of affirmations that leads to beliefs.”

Start each day with positive affirmations. “I am” is the most powerful start to any affirmation you will make.

  • Some examples are:
    • “I am committed to making 2017 the best year ever.”
    • “I am happy and excited about improving daily”
    • “I am stronger and more committed every day”


2. Eat Healthy and Exercise:

“Every bite you take is either fighting disease or feeding it.”

A poor diet is associated with major health risks that can cause illness and even death. According to the Presidents Council on Fitness, poor eating habits contributes to: “heart disease, hypertension high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and certain types of cancer.

It is important to make smart healthy choices not only to feel better now but in the future. Take time and learn what are good choices for your body. Many people have food allergies that affect them, take time out see a dietician about your needs and consider getting tested for food allergies that may be kryptonite to your system.

Exercise is equally as important to the body as healthy eating.

  • Benefits:

    • Combats health risks
    • Increases brain chemicals that increase your mood.
    • Boosts your energy level
    • Helps you sleep better
    • Helps you lose weight


3. Get Sleep:

“Sleep is one of the best medicines for the body.”

Harvard University did a study that pointed out the many health risks you may not be aware of due to lack of sleep.  There are more than you may think.  Medical conditions that are affected by lack of sleep are: obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and depression among other diseases.

         They recommend 7-8 hours on a consistent basis.


4. Meditation: 

“Breathe and release anything that does not serve you.”

It is a great form of relaxation.  It allows you time to relax and unwind and it is an opportunity to visualize anything you want to accomplish.

  •  A few examples are:
    • A calm mind
    • Improving concentration
    • Better clarity
    • Relaxation and rejuvenation of the mind and body
    • Ability to visualize goals or tasks


5. Good Energy:

“Surround yourself with people that reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel, energy is contagious.”

Keep a great support group that encourages you and builds your self-esteem and confidence during self-growth. A Life Coach is a great choice as well, they hold you accountable to staying on course and headed in the right direction.

 Learn to eliminate the negative sources, they drain you and can create depression and defeat.


Happy 2017, make this your best year ever!  If you need an accountability Coach to keep you on track, please contact  Deni Abbie!