From a very young age, I remember my mother complaining of being awake most of the night and having difficulty sleeping. As I reached adulthood, I slept like a baby and never thought that the “sleepless curse” would befall me… until I became premenopausal.

Over the years, I juggled various supplements, trying to figure out how to regain that deep restful, refreshing, relaxing 7 – 8 hour sleep pattern. Although I adhere very closely to the principles I outline in The 7 Essentials, eat a very clean diet, exercise regularly, take my necessary supplements, there was still an imbalance in my brain chemistry. There were nights when I slept moderately well, but there were other nights when I barely would get 3-4 hours of sleep.

Several months ago, I ran a Neurotransmitter Sleep Profile and was very impressed with the results. It was spot on with my symptoms and complaints. I followed the recommendations and have slept like a baby ever since. It was life changing for me, which is why I am sharing this with you. Sleepless nights and difficulty sleeping is one of the most common complaints that I hear from women.

According to Dr. Stan Burzynski, “Stress and lack of sleep can silence cancer-protective genes.”

Analyzing your brain neurotransmitters though a simple urine test done in the privacy of your home may help you resolve some of the following issues:

– Adrenal Dysfunction: fatigue, insomniahormone glands

– Mood Disorders: depression, anxiety

– Loss of Mental Focus: ADD, ADHD, cognitive fog

– Addiction and Dependency

– Hormonal Imbalances: Estrogen Dominance

– Loss of Appetite Control: obesity and insulin resistance

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that regulate many physical and emotional processes including movement, stress response, cognition, emotions, energy, cravings, pain and more. Functioning primarily in the central nervous system (CNS), neurotransmitters facilitate communication between the brain and the body’s glands, organs and muscles.

Here are the main 6 Brain Hormones that are analyzed in the Basic Sleep Profile:


This is a key neurotransmitter that is involved in the regulation of sleep, appetite and aggression. Serotonin imbalance is a common contributor to mood problems and depression.


This is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter found in the Nerve System.  High levels of GABA may be a result of excitatory overload that may contribute to sluggish energy, feelings of sedation, and foggy thinking.


This brain hormone is largely responsible for regulating the pleasure/ reward pathway, memory and motor control. Memory issues are common with both elevations and depressions in dopamine levels.


Norepinephrine is also called noradrenaline, and it is an excitatory neurotransmitter produced in the Nerve System, as well as in the adrenal gland. High levels of norepinephrine are often linked to anxiety, stress, elevated blood pressure, and hyperactivity, whereas low levels are associated with lack of energy, focus, and motivation.


Often better known as adrenaline, epinephrine is heavily involved in a stress response. Elevated levels of epinephrine are often associated with hyperactivity, ADHD, anxiety, sleep issues, and low adrenal function.


This is an excitatory neurotransmitter and is considered to be the most abundant neurotransmitter in the nervous system. Elevated glutamate levels are commonly associated with panic attacks, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, OCD and depression, whereas low glutamate levels may result in agitation, memory loss, sleeplessness, low energy levels and depression.

If you want to take this test one step further, the optimal approach is to test your sex hormones in relationship to your brain hormones. Changes in sex hormones and adrenal hormones can lead to neurotransmitter imbalances, while conversely neurotransmitter imbalances can affect hormone production and function. Testing both neurotransmitters and hormones provides a comprehensive view of the body’s functional nerve-hormonal status, and brings to light additional factors that may be contributing to your symptoms.