This year marks seven years since I began hosting Virtual Tea Parties for our Community.
Seven Years of hosting monthly gatherings of 4-8 business owners whom I adore.
Seven Years of introductions and networking.
Seven Years of holding space for people to share and talk and “shoot the breeze.”
Seven Years of facilitating conversations from what kinds of plants grow best in northern exposures to how best to market your business to how difficult it is to find a place to call Home in America.
Seven Years of witnessing the birth of wonderful relationships that result of our gatherings – people have met new friends, found podcast guests, hired one another, sent referrals, written books together, and some even became business partners all because they said “Yes” when I invited them to Tea.
There have been many times when we considered no longer hosting Virtual Tea Parties. Many times when we looked at our budget – or my calendar – and shook our heads. Could we afford the time and the money to continue to host them?
And there have been days when I woke up and saw that I had a Tea Party on my calendar and wondered how on earth I would muster the energy to be a Good Hostess. I wondered if I should cancel…could I show up with only half my usual energy…would it be ‘okay’ if I wasn’t firing on all pistons?
And then…
Then I would get an email from a Guest who would share a story about how Bob connected with her after the last Tea Party and invited her to speak at his event…and how she was so thrilled!
Or I would get on a client call only to be told that the client had just hired J. to help her get more comfy in her office space.
Or I would read a blog post written by a colleague in which she credited an idea she had to another attendee at Tea.
And my entire body would hum and glow and sing.
This, dear friends, is a Community. A Community that comes together and talks and shares, and while we do not always agree (because sometimes those conversations happen, too) we always know we’ve been in the right place at the right time for the exact right reason.
“I cannot thank you enough for inviting me to Tea this week, Rebecca. It was exactly what I needed at the time. I know I didn’t say much…I was having a Quiet Day…but I wanted you to know that just being in that space with all of you was exactly what I needed.” – S.L.
“Rebecca: It wasn’t easy for me to show up to Tea today. I knew I wouldn’t know anyone – not even you! – but I felt really comfortable and I am so glad I came. Thanks for hosting!” –B.R.
“Lady. Today was exactly what I needed. Or, as you might say, it was Exactly. What. I. Needed. HA HA HA So good to feel connected to folks. Thanks, sister.” – N.B.
“REBECCA you really DO know the coolest people! Reaching out to the others later this week. I feel some cool s*** brewing.” – M.D.
Seven Years of hosting Virtual Tea Parties…and notes like these never get old.
Dear Reader, if you’re looking to meet some other Really Cool Entrepreneurs, to spend some time getting to know some folks who many even one day become collaborators or friends, or you just like the idea of showing up in a Room with others and seeing what pans out, then you just might be the March Hare to my Mad Hatter.
Want to get on the Virtual Tea Party Invitation List? It’s simple. Just email my administrative assistant, Jane, at and let her know you’re a Plaid Reader interested in attending a Tea Party. She will add you to our Invite List, and you’ll be sent an invitation from time to time throughout the year. We hope you’ll pick a date and commit to coming. You bring the cookies, and I’ll supply the Tea.
Hope to see you soon!
Big love,