Years ago, grabbing a coffee in the break room at work, I walked into a conversation about a coworker who had driven to work in a new flashy sports car, red of course. Most of the people gathered in the break room were in their forties, while I was still in my mid-twenties, so I found it a bit weird why this was such a “hot topic” of the morning. One of his friends said, “Oh he’s reached mid-life now and guess he’s trying to relive his youth.” Being 23 or 24, that comment truly escaped me with no appreciation of what it meant. Down the road a bit, after marriage, babies and all, I began to realize that we do indeed go through stages or what is often referred to as “seasons” of life. My co-worker’s “mid-life crisis” made more sense to me.
The stages are often described in terms of baby, child, pre-teen, teenager, young adult, middle aged, retired and elderly. During each stage, season or cycle, we behave in certain ways, enjoy certain things, have different dreams. As we age those things naturally change. For me personally, the only dream still in the number one spot is the desire and love of being a mom.
Now somewhere between “retired and elderly,” I am totally aware of the later in life season that I am living. Career goals, pay raises, titles, going to parties on and on have evolved over the years. In my twenties, I loved wearing hot pants, which were shorts with a top looking a bit like a dress. It’s now hard to catch me not wearing legging, which in reality are more like PJ’s. I’ve also traded sexy heels for comfort— that one snuck up on me!
I can remember my mom wearing ugly black shoes for comfort and swearing in my head I would never wear shoes like those. Yet here I am in Lifestride, and yes, they are black. My days are filled with appointments but most often now doctor appointments and yes, a great deal of my time is spent in reflecting and remembering and it’s ok, it will happen to everyone…someday.
The Last Season
Living in the last season I can truly say, it’s okay. I wouldn’t wish for a total re-do of any season. Are there some regrets? Of course. We are human after all. But I have learned from my mistakes and try to do better. Being grateful for where I am is important too. Joy still exists, even in this season.
It seems that from young adulthood to retired, my needs were all important. But now I find joy in bringing happiness to others. Giving back to younger generations, sharing things I have learned, encouraging those that need to be embraced by someone believing in them. Realizing that I can still contribute is vital to my happiness. Saying thank you to someone who opened my door, just saying hello to the older-than-me person at the store who seems to be alone, lonely. There are hundreds of small ways that I can still contribute to society and my family and in the end feed my need to find happiness and feel that I still matter.
Every season is important, treasure each one and live every day to it’s fullest. I have now sat beside several loved ones as they take their last breath. Not one has ever said or felt sad that they didn’t have more success or things. What mattered was love, joy and treasuring every day, every season. Don’t spend too much time looking back or looking ahead but make every day, every season the best that you can and it will be enough. Make the best of life.
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