Self-care is what you deliberately do to take care of your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.  Caring for yourself is the key to an improved mood, reduced anxiety, and the relationship you have with yourself and others. Seems simple, right?  Then why do we constantly and consistently overlook our own self-care?

Get started on your own self-care with this list

  • Decide what you don’t want to continue going forward in your life.  Decide that you will no longer participate in any activity that does not support your life goals.
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle with clean eating and exercise
  • Make sleep a priority
  • Commit to a daily practice of yoga or meditation
  • Make time each day to relax and do something that brings you joy
  • Spend quality time with family and friends
  • Laugh early and often

Let’s break down self-care for your mind, body, and soul.

Find one or more of these self-care suggestions for your mind.

  • Write down the nice things people say about you so you can read them later when you need a mental boost
  • Do you have a nagging item on your To Do list that you know you’ll never do?  Let yourself off the hook and scratch it off your list for good
  • Focus on being mindful during your routine tasks
  • Switch up the way you make decisions in your life.  If you normally make your decisions from your head, focus on what your heart wants instead
  • De-clutter your living space
  • Protect your mental wellbeing by staying away from negative people who do not add anything positive to your life, whether it be in person or on social media

Practice some of these self-care ideas that support the wellbeing of your body.

  • Check-in every morning with each part of your body, notice and give attention to any tightness, aches, or pains and send those parts positive attention and healing light
  • Take time to breathe deeply periodically throughout your day
  • Take time to stretch and move your body
  • Make healthy food choices that nourish your body
  • Spend time in nature and soak up the sun
  • Allow yourself a power nap when you need one

Finally, self-care suggestions to feed your soul.

  • Be your own best friend, encourage yourself the same way as you would a friend
  • Be of service to someone in need, practice a random act of kindness
  • Check-in with the way you are feeling without any judgment
  • Choose wisely who you spend your time with, make sure they support you in becoming your best self
  • Listen to music that feeds your soul
  • Nourish yourself by doing the thing that brings you joy

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.”- Jean Shinoda Bolen

The practice of self-care is about remembering and honoring your own self-worth.  It is a way of reminding yourself and others that your needs are important and worthy of your daily attention.