Don’t you just love when springtime is approaching?
You look into your closet and decide some things just have to go to make room for new compliments to your life
You begin to want to clear out all of your winter attire and bring in fresh new colors.
You look around and notice you’ve been holding on to clothes and accessories you’ve outgrown.
You think about all the things you have and what you don’t really need.
Suddenly you realize it’s all a metaphor reminding you that its time to declutter your life.
It’s the season where spring is in the air and your life needs a successful refresher plan.
Recently, I went into my own closet and began to purge old clothes, accessories and miscellaneous stuff I have accumulated over the years.
I have had mixed moments of emotion thinking……………..
“Why do I still have this and oh what a pleasant memory of a moment in time this item is?”
On a personal level, I realize that decluttering your life also means staying clear as a much as possible of toxic situations and people.
Believe it or not what your take in about your own beauty and success goes far beyond what you wear and simply think about yourself.
Its much more about what you allow into your consciousness through your surroundings.
Its often been said you are the sum of the five people you hang around the most.
So be careful in your selections and since springtime is in the air this is your chance to declutter your relationships.
So now, I know you are thinking what are some more tips to declutter your life while spring is in the air.
Here are five of my most favorite tips:
1. Does this relationship provide me with a sense of purpose complimenting who I am or challenging me to grow in an area that needs my attention? If the answer is no, take the time to assess whether or not a positive shift to declutter any toxicity in the relationship is possible.
2. You love the way an item of clothing looks but it does not fit you well anymore. Consider letting it go and possibly donating it to your favorite nonprofit cause.
3. What do you want to improve upon in your life? What will you need to let go of to declutter your path to the next level of your greatness? Remember, progress happens only when you are unafraid to change.
4. Take pictures of things you want to remember but have decided to purge.
5. Take a few days to complete the tips above depending on the size of the space you are trying to declutter it can feel overwhelming and exhausting at first.
The tips above can be completed in any particular order you desire. You may also choose to take action only on as many tips as you like that suits you.
Overall, when spring is in the air consider it a trigger to declutter your life.