As Shakespeare said, “To thine own self be true.” It seems simple, yet complicated at the same time. Basically, be yourself and be true to your values. These days with social media being such a judgmental way to live; it is indeed difficult to be Authentically You.

Tell the truth, treat others like you want to be treated and be yourself. To be yourself, you have to know yourself. Know what you stand for. When you tell the truth all the time, you never have to remember who you told what story to.

Some people don’t feel comfortable in their own skin and don’t feel able to express themselves in an honest way. Maybe you are gay or had a damaged childhood or used drugs. Make your mess your message; however, that is not your whole story.

Ten years ago, husband at the time introduced me to crack cocaine and I became addicted for nine months. You can read the whole story in my memoir, “Confessions of a Southern Baby Boomer–How I Survived Crack Cocaine Addiction, the Mafia and other totally true tales.”

Know what you stand for. When you tell the truth all the time, you never have to remember who you told what story to.Yes, it was a very difficult time in my life. I never felt totally true to myself until I told my story.  My husband introduced me to crack without telling me what it was. I do take full responsibility for my actions. I talk to Narcotics Anonymous and Churches and organizations about my addiction. By telling my truth I finally free and Authentically Me.

I left him, the nice house we lived in, and moved in with my parents. We went bankrupt and lost our house on the water where the yachts went by. In order to stay with your rehab program, you really need to stay away from people, places, and things that remind you of your drug use. To this day, ten years later, I cannot listen to some songs and looking at a bic lighter makes me upset.

Know yourself, know your triggers, and be Authentically You. As Shakespeare said, “To thine own self be true.”



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