This post was originally intended to be a healthy Thanksgiving recipe guide. But as my city finds itself in the devastating wake of Hurricane Sandy, offering up healthier ways to enjoy sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie hardly seemed appropriate. Not when there are so many New Yorkers who don’t know where their next meal will come from.
For the past few years I have been urging my friends, family, and clients to nourish their bodies by choosing whole foods over processed… Organic over conventional… Baked over fried…
But it’s important to remember that what we fill our minds and hearts with is just as important to our health as what we put into our bodies. And in times of crisis, we must turn to loved ones, hope, optimism, laughter, and gratitude to keep us healthy and strong.
We may not always have the ability to choose what we put into our bodies – but we always have the ability to choose with what we nourish our mind and spirit.
For those of us fortunate enough to have a roof over our head, and a turkey on our table this Thanksgiving, Let’s choose to make our friends and family the main event. Because in the end, it’s love not food, that feeds us most.
To learn how you can help those affected by Hurricane Sandy, visit
Yours in gratitude,
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