Would you appreciate the simple things you usually take for granted?

Waking up each day, being able to drink my cup of tea or coffee, and just being able to move around are a few things I am grateful for.

Creating a Habit of Thankfulness

Whether it’s good health, stable markets, great friends, or promotions at work, each person has things to be grateful for. Aside from Thanksgiving, it’s not always common to stop and express our gratitude for people or events taking place around us. However, creating a habit of being thankful and expressing our gratitude to those around us will help people develop friendships, maintain relationships, and lead to better health.

Gratitude Deepens Relationships

Expressing one’s gratitude can deepen relationships of all types by making the other feel appreciated and valued within your relationship. This is important to any relationship and can singlehandedly maintain strong and healthy connections with those around you. If you are grateful for those around you, other positive attributes such as the ability to forgive can be heightened. Understanding the value of others also encourages loyalty and acceptance of those you care about. On the other hand, being grateful can lessen narcissistic traits by decreasing self-centered ideals and actions. Both contribute to building long-lasting, deep friendships and relationships with those around you. 

The combination of abilities that come along with developed feelings of gratitude also leads to a higher likelihood of an optimistic mindset. Optimistic mindsets create a positive mental feedback loop that can help to reduce your sleep and influence your mood for the better. While it may seem like a small act of appreciation or a simple shift in the way you’re thinking, showing your gratitude for others creates a cascade of positive results.

Be Grateful — It’s Life Changing

There is plenty to be grateful for if you’re willing to stop and think about what you have. Expressing your gratitude can change someone else’s life. Everyone remembers the third-grade teacher whom they loved so dearly or the family friend who was always willing to help, in anyone’s time of need. Feelings of gratitude stay around far longer than fleeting emotions and kind actions can help you change someone’s life for the better. Don’t forget the impact you can have on those around you and never be shy to show gratefulness for those you care about. Every day should be a day to celebrate and be thankful for all of those around you.

For more articles by Marilyn