Losing someone is one of the hardest things a person will experience in life. My beloved husband, Steve, passed away last year. While we were “prepared” for this life event, it’s always painful, no matter the circumstance. My daughters and I have weathered the holidays and birthday celebrations without Steve, but always feel a bit lost.
Closets With an S!
Today, as we take small steps to take care of family matters, we have also had some fun. We have begun letting go of some of Steve’s things in his closets-full of personal stuff. (That’s closet with an S!) Doing so has helped us appreciate his huge presence in our lives. My daughters have taken their fair share of shirts and sweatshirts for comfort. While doing so, we were able to reminisce on our favorite stories of my husband and their father.
It was nice to be able to relive the memories, go on vacation, and spend the holidays together. We also watched a movie with all four of us crammed into one bed! Letting go can be one of the hardest things to do. Marie Kondo says “keep only the things that speak to the heart and discard items that do not spark joy”. She is talking about the stuff that can also be utilized to help you focus on yourself and mold you to become a better, stronger person.
Be Prepared
No one likes to talk or think about what would happen if they lost their loved one suddenly. It can be a stressful and depressing topic. But what we need to know in those moments is how to keep going. Do you have the proper safety nets in place to support you? Legal documents, such as wills and trusts, life insurance policies, retirement plans with proper beneficiaries that are up to date, and more.
Preparing your family with this extra security may give you one less thing to worry about when life happens. You will be able give your full attention to what is needed most at the moment without a voice in the back of your head asking if we did all that we could. This is one of the topics my clients may enjoy talking about the least. But the sooner we talk about it, the sooner they can set their plans in place, and live their lives with confidence and clarity.
To summarize, letting go is a process. It may take days, weeks, and perhaps months to truly let go of a beloved person, or a dream that could not be brought to life as envisioned. However, our lives continue. The quality of our lives is what we make of them. Letting go and moving forward are actions that may enhance the quality of our lives today and in the future. Best wishes to you all as we take our journey in 2023. Letting go, adding on, and enjoying the chosen path we are on.
Find more by Marilyn here.