There are voices in our heads that follow us everywhere we go.  They are part of our every decision; they provide a platform of moral fiber that seeps into our souls.  They are the women that guided us when we were young.

For me, the voices started when I first picked up a basketball and had my first glimpse of being part of a team, an organization.  The lessons, or in some cases, the life hacks we learn from being competitive instill skills that last forever.  Each team becomes an integral part of an extended family whether you like them or not.  You learn to “compete as one, win or lose as one, rise and fall as one.”

Every coach I had, taught me to set goals and to value every relationship.  “Setting up a system that rewards you for meeting your goals and has penalties for failing to hit your target is just as important as putting your goals down on paper.” Pat Summitt

Along with setting goals, I came to realize as I grew older, that you must face your fears, and write them down.  When you do this, you cannot believe how much more courage you have because now your fears do not hold you back.  “Every day is a chance to get better.”

The road to winning, whether it be on the court or in the business world, is hard work. This is what I grew up with.  Talent in some cases does not work, but hard work can beat talent. “There’s no substitute for hard work. If you work hard and prepare yourself, you might get beat, but you’ll never lose.”  Nancy Lieberman

Every game you play on the field or in the board room, you win some or lose some.  If you lose, there is no going back; it is not a failure but a chance to learn, to move forward. “The only real negative that can happen when you fail is if you haven’t learnt from it.” — Maile Carnegie

There are voices in our heads that follow us everywhere we go.  They are part of our every decision... They are the women that guided us when we were young.Become a scholar of the game of life.  Basics are important as other team members or associates fulfill many different tasks.  It is when you have true understanding of each aspect of the game, that the learning curve is easier to master.

“Believe in yourself, have an aptitude to learn and go knocking on doors to keep putting yourself into positions where you can get better.”  Marieanne Spacey

Time is your most valuable asset!  The choices you make decide where you will be in life.  You cannot choose to make more time so… “If you don’t value your time, neither will others.”  Kim Garst

Growth is the key to any game, to any business success.  With each challenge comes growth, providing the freedom to decide the direction that leads to success. Sometimes you may have to take on things you don’t want to.  “Growth and comfort do not coexist.”  Ginni Rometty

With each passing year, with each new job or organization or relationship, I am grateful for the voices of the women that guided me. They provided a barometer by which to live, and I find myself continuing their legacy as I pass on life skills to my children and grandchildren.



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