Her name is Lulu and she came to me quite by accident (if you believe in accidents….which I don’t!). No, Lulu was introduced into my life by a force of divine Providence – and I am not at all timid about sharing that perspective.
Two weeks ago, as I attempted to complete my second book, I hit the brick wall of writer’s block. I resorted to any form of distraction to free me from the blockage. After dusting baseboards, emptying the dishwasher and cleaning out my underwear drawer, the only detour left was browsing the internet.
Stumbling across a precious pet ‘up for adoption’ on Facebook, I began to literally surf all the SPCA and other related sites. I am still mused that I did this, as I had no deliberate intention to adopt a pet. Yet, when I stumbled across “Gretchen”, (Lulu’s original name), I knew it was destined – as that is my sister’s name. Within 48 hours, I had adopted this precious little white schnauzer who has become a virtual shadow in my life.
Now, many may wonder what this story has to do with business, leadership, or ‘life’ in the greater scheme. The beautiful reality is this: upon adopting this scared, lost, puppy, I (and all those in my life) have showered her with love. Love in every form. And the transformation of this little furry soul has been nothing short of miraculous. She came to me scared having been in multiple ‘foster homes’ and not knowing where she belonged. She was timid, sheepish, and barely ate due to her fear. Over the past few weeks, she has revealed her playful, coy, flirtatious self and continues to show an abounding syrupy amount of gratitude with every breath she takes.
This is one small example of the supreme power of LOVE to transform lives. In this case: hers and mine…..not to mention everyone who has the blessing of meeting little Lulu.
I believe 100% in the power of love in life and in the workplace. Having a strong passion for what we do, how we do it, who we do it with, and for whom we do it…. is magic. Love and passion are the glue that binds a person and a collection of individuals toward their common mission. Fostering love between our co-workers, our clients, our constituents, and our partners makes all the difference. It shows up in a variety of ways. We know when it is there….and when it isn’t.
So, in answer to Tina Turner’s classic song “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” I believe that LOVE has everything to do with it. Love is the great transformer. . If we can change a little puppy’s life with our care, compassion, and kindness – what can we do with our human counterparts, our businesses and the world?
This past month, Lulu reminded me of this truism, as only a dog loving for their life can.